About Our Course:

Welcome to the Graphology course! The study of handwriting is known as graphology, and it may tell a lot about a person’s personality, characteristics, and habits. You will learn how to evaluate handwriting and obtain knowledge of the inner thoughts of the writer with this in-depth training. You will develop a grasp of the various components of handwriting, including its size, form, pace, and slope. You’ll also discover how to deduce the writer’s emotional and mental condition from their handwriting. This course will provide you with the information and abilities to practice graphology accurately and with confidence, regardless of your level of expertise. 

Methods of teaching Graphology:

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Graphology course, astrology course, the astrology academy of india
scientific method numerology Course, Reiki teaching method Astrology methods Tarot teaching method graphology method, Graphology course, the astrology academy of India, reiki course

Benefits of Learning Graphology Course :

  • Improve Your Weakness.
  • Understand others.
  • Compatibility Analysis.
  • Candidate Analysis Before Recruitment.
  • Child development.
  • Bank Fraud Detection/Criminology.

We Know What are you Thinking!

Yes, our institution provides online classes. 

There are only 10-15 students in a batch. So, that each student can get personal attention. 

All your doubts will be discussed in the class itself. you can also ask your doubts in “Doubt clearing sessions” according to your time table.  

Our classes will be conducted on a Mobile app supported to Android and IOS. 

Don’t worry! Recording of your live class gets uploaded on your mobile application within 4-5 hours after the class gets over, so that you can revise it anytime. 

Yes, You will be provided certificate after the successful completion of course (including examination), which is Valuable and recognizable all across the world.


What is Graphology?

Graphology, also known as handwriting analysis, is a fascinating field that examines the unique characteristics of an individual’s handwriting to gain insights into their personality traits, emotions, and psychological patterns. Dating back to ancient times, graphology has evolved into a respected tool used by professionals in various fields, including forensic analysis, career counseling, and personal development.
In this blog, we will delve into the intriguing world of graphology course, exploring its history, principles, and practical applications. By the end, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how handwriting analysis can provide valuable insights into human behavior and unlock hidden aspects of our personalities.

History of Graphology:

Graphology has a rich history that spans centuries and cultures. Its origins can be traced back to ancient China and Egypt, where scribes studied handwriting to discern character traits. However, it was not until the 19th century that graphology course gained significant attention in Europe.
Frenchman Jean-Hippolyte Michon is considered the father of modern graphology. He published the first systematic study on the subject in 1872, laying the foundation for its development as a scientific discipline. Over time, graphologists from various countries contributed to its growth, refining techniques and establishing associations to promote research and standardization.

Principles of Graphology Course:

Graphology is based on the principle that handwriting is a subconscious reflection of an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and personality. The interplay of various factors, including stroke shape, size, pressure, spacing, and rhythm, provides valuable clues for analysis.

  • Size:  The size of handwriting can reveal a person’s need for attention and self-perception. Large handwriting may indicate extroversion, while small handwriting may suggest introversion.
  • Slant: The slant of handwriting, whether leftward, rightward, or upright, reflects emotional responsiveness. Rightward slants are associated with sociability, while leftward slants may indicate introversion or a guarded nature.
  • Pressure: The pressure exerted while writing reveals the writer’s emotional intensity and level of vitality. Heavy pressure may indicate strong emotions, while light pressure may suggest a more reserved or delicate nature.
  • Letter Shapes: The shape of individual letters provides insights into an individual’s communication style, creativity, and attention to detail. Rounded letters may suggest a more social and friendly nature, while angular letters may indicate precision and logic.
  • Spacing: The spacing between words and letters can indicate an individual’s need for personal space, organization, and attention to detail. Wide spacing may suggest independence, while narrow spacing may imply a desire for closeness.

Practical Applications of Graphology course:

Graphology finds application in various domains, offering valuable insights and benefits in different areas.

  • Forensic Analysis: Handwriting analysis is utilized in forensic investigations to establish the authenticity of documents and detect forgery. By comparing handwriting samples, experts can identify discrepancies and determine if the same individual wrote the documents in question.
  • Recruitment and Career Guidance: Graphology assists recruiters in understanding candidates beyond their qualifications and experience. By analyzing handwriting samples, employers can gain insights into a candidate’s personality traits, work habits, and compatibility with the job requirements. Additionally, graphology is used in career counselling to guide individuals towards suitable professions based on their innate strengths and aptitudes.
  • Personal Development: Graphology is a valuable tool for self-reflection and personal growth. By analyzing their own handwriting, individuals can gain awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness can empower them to make positive changes, enhance their communication skills, and build healthier relationships.
  • Relationship Compatibility: Handwriting analysis can shed light on the compatibility between individuals in various relationships, such as romantic partnerships, friendships, or work collaborations. By comparing the handwriting of two individuals, graphologists can identify potential areas of synergy or conflict based on their personality traits and communication styles.
  • Therapy and Counseling: Graphotherapy, a branch of graphology, utilizes handwriting exercises to facilitate psychological healing and personal transformation. By consciously modifying specific aspects of their handwriting, individuals can work on overcoming challenges, improving self-esteem, and developing healthier patterns of thinking and behavior.


Graphology course offers a unique perspective into human behavior and personality traits by analyzing the intricate details of handwriting. It has a long history, supported by research and practical applications in various fields. While it is not without its critics and limitations, graphology continues to intrigue and provide valuable insights into the human psyche.

By understanding the principles of graphology and its practical applications, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and others. Whether used for personal growth, recruitment, or forensic analysis, handwriting analysis remains a powerful tool for unlocking the hidden aspects of our personalities, fostering self-awareness, and enhancing our interactions with the world around us.
Through graphology, we gain a new lens to appreciate the complexity of human nature, reaffirming that every stroke of the pen carries more than just words on paper—it unveils the fascinating story of our inner selves.

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